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Vice Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives
Welcome to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives.
We know that our faculty and research staff work long and hard hours to achieve success. So we are committed to providing an environment in which their research, innovation, scholarship, and creativity thrive, and to representing their interests both inside and outside the university.
Components of the VPR Office include the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the Core Facilities, and the Venture Development Center. Through these units, our dedicated staff deliver a full range of services to the research community, from identifying funding to creating commercial ventures. We also identify and shepherd multi-institution, multi-year projects with diverse and talented research teams where a great deal of planning and partnering are vital to success.
The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs sets strategic goals for and exercises administrative oversight of all freestanding institutes and centers, and as Vice Provost I assist the Provost in these endeavors.
The University Research Advisory Council makes recommendations related to strengthening research and increasing sponsored program activities. We also participate actively in university-wide economic development and international relations initiatives.
To explore how you can advance UMass Boston's research mission through private donations, please visit our colleagues in University Advancement.
I hope you will explore potential partnerships with us, and contact me to offer your ideas and your suggestions either by phone at 617.287.5608 or email at Bala.Sundaram@lixubing.com.
Thanks for visiting with us!
Bala Sundaram, PhD
Vice Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives